Do you often work with the Dutch, either within or outside of your organisation, in your own country and/or abroad? Perhaps you would like to gain more intercultural knowledge and understanding? Or want to learn more about Dutch (business) culture and the differences and similarities to other countries? Reason enough to attend a lecture or workshop on ‘How to deal with the Dutch’ by Saskia Maarse!
Lectures, workshops and training on cultural differences
During her lectures and workshops, Saskia shares her six culture principles and shows in a fact-filled and humorous way what you can learn about Dutch (business) culture and other cultures in terms of communication, trust, leadership, etiquette and more.
Saskia gives lectures, workshops and training on the following topics:
- Cultural awareness
- Cultural differences
- Dutch (business) culture
- Doing business internationally
About Saskia Maarse
Saskia is an intercultural speaker and author. Thanks to extensive work experience abroad (in the tourism sector), global travel, cultural training workshops attended and interviews held for six years – after returning to the Netherlands – with business professionals and managers from various countries, Saskia has developed broad knowledge of Dutch culture compared to other cultures. She has written about this in two books: Tutti frutti – het succes van kleurrijk en ondernemend Nederland and Onder de zeespiegel – samenwerken en samen leven met Nederlanders.